Asistiendo a un comité de Escuelas de Negocio aquí en Bruselas, me he dado cuenta que muchas empresas y directivos tienen miedo de usar la paalbra “ventas o vender”, de hecho la usan como si fuese una palabra sucia o prohibida.

Es cierto que a más perciba el consumidor, nuestra intención de venta, menos nos comprará. Pero no tenemos que olvidarnos que la venta, es el fin primero, la base de la supervivencia y rentabilidad de cualquier negocio.

Comienza a sensibilizar a tus equipos de la importancia de esta palabra. No tengas miedo a usarla.


While attending a committee meeting here in Brussels, I realised that, generally speaking –and somewhat paradoxically— the term  “sales” is taboo. Nobody wants to refer to it when talking about their business in case they give they impression that they are sharks or might come over as agressive salesmen or managers.

It is true that the more your customer perceives that you are trying to sell him something, the less willing he is going to be to buy. I hate to tell you, but our main aim as companies and business models is to sell.

So, stop feeling wary (scared) about it and get your team to start using this term.

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